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Old But Working Tricks for Nokia S40 Phones

Wednesday, 11 January 2012 0 comments
hide your folder icon by simply renaming your folder with .ota extension (for ex. rename folder1 to folder.ota)

decorate your mobile gallery in nokia s40. rename ur folder to .nth extension.
(for example: folder.nth)

increase volume of radio and music player by simply go to settings--enhancement settings--use text phone-- turn it to yes!

copy copyrighted tones games and themes in nokia s40..
1. go to nokias default browser.
how to open default browser? go to music player--options-- downloads -- go to address -- erase rtsp://

2. copy the ffg. commands:

for themes:

for tones:
file:///c:/predefgallery/predeftones/predefringtones/nokia tone.acc

for games:
file:///c:/predefgallery/predefjava/predefgames/Racing 3D.jar

3. rename the filename to whatever you want to copy.

4. save the file to mmc.


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