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Cafe Manila 8.6.6 with tutorial

Sunday, 8 January 2012 3 comments
Cafe Manila - the Solution for Internet Cafe business

Cafe Manila Cybercafe Management Software is a professional software to cover all your daily administrative needs in your internet cafe, cybercafe and gaming cafe.

Why Cafe Manila?

The easy, effective and also great looking interface gives you the ultimate management system, which will make you save both valuable time and money.

How to Patch:

1. Open Patch

2. Enter Workstation number depending on how many clients you have e.g. 10 then hit the P button

3. Lcate the .exe file: Default on C:Program Files\CafeManila and Click Open.. It should be succesfully crack

Server Settings:
Install Server

1. Open Cafe Server Shortcut on desktop

2. Click Continue

3. Put on the name of your Shop and Click continue

4. Take Note of your Server IP Address kelangan mo to sa settings sa client, Click Done

5. Username: admin
Password: admin

6. On Server Setting Tab Check Run Program Automatically when system restart if you wish to run it on system start.

7. On Security Setting Tab Unchecked Disallow canceling time, And Set Ammount Round Off to 2 decimals..

8. On Others Tab, Set your Screensaver Password.. Yun yung passowrd mo kung maglologin ka sa client on admin login tab.. Set also your message and the time the message will appear..

9. On Price Setting Tab, Edit the Charging Fee.. Depende kung magkano yung Game Rate or Internet Rate nyo..
Click on Edit Lagay nyo sa Cost/hour kung magkano, Intial Rate to 5 petot depende kung magkano gusto mo minimum charge..
Intial Time TO 15, depende ulit kung ano gusto mong minimum time..

10. Click Apply then OK

Client Setting:
Install Client

1. Open Cafe Client on Start>All programs>CafeManila>Cafeclient

2. Click Continue

3. Put the Server IP address

4. Enter the Computer Number: e.g. 1

5. And your Done

*Restart PC



  • Unknown said...

    Bakit po Cafe manila client 8.6 after na mailagay ko ang IP address at computer na number hindi gumagana ang done!!! kahit restart and turn off antivirus still ayaw pa rin. Plsss help any advice

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