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Fast Window XP Shutdown(NO SOFTWARE NEEDED)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012 0 comments
This method works on pc's in my workstation 

Open REGEDIT. Click on Start/ Run and type ''regedit'' without quotes and click ''OK''... Navigate to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'
Highlight the 'WaitToKillAppTimeout' value.
Set it to '1000' (the default should be 20000).
Now highlight the 'HungAppTimeout' value
Set it to '1000' also.

The second part of this tip changes the same settings, this time for all users on the system.

Navigate to 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop'
Highlight the 'WaitToKillAppTimeout' value.
Set it to '1000' (the default should be 20000).
Now highlight the 'HungAppTimeout' value.
Set it to '1000' also.

In the third part of this tip, we will alter a second registry setting to decrease the amount of time Windows XP will wait before shutting down active services after receiving a shut down command.

Open REGEDIT and navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\'

Highlight the value 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout

Change this value to '1000.' 

This should help to considerably speed up the time windows XP takes to shut itself down 

Auto kill tasks on shutdown

To allow Windows XP to close non-responsive applications automatically upon shutdown: 

Open REGEDIT and navigate to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop'

Highlight the value 'AutoEndTasks.' Change the value to '1'

Also 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop'

Highlight the value 'AutoEndTasks.' Change the value to '1'

XP will now be able to close hung applications without user input during the shutdown process. 


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